Support AAUW

2017-18 AAUW Career Development Grantee Cortney Cleveland
2017-18 AAUW Career Development Grantee Cortney Cleveland

Giving Back

There are many ways you can invest in a fairer future by donating to AAUW. We rely on our members and supporters to help us drive systematic policy change, shift work cultures and empower women.

Women listening to another women at conference table

Advance Equity

We appreciate every day and dollar that our members spend fighting on behalf of women. Giving to our Greatest Needs Fund helps us use your donation where it’s needed the most.  

Photo of a trophy (photo by Giorgio Tovato for Unsplash

Become a Champion

The AAUW Champions for Women and Girls program recognizes individuals who have made a significant financial commitment to advancing equity for women and girls. It honors those who donate $5,000 or more to AAUW each year.

Fountain pen (photo by Alvaro Serrano on Unsplash)

Leave a Legacy

Making a planned gift to AAUW is an easy way to make a real impact and leave an enduring legacy that will benefit AAUW long into the future. Planned gifts — or bequests — are gifts that you designate in your will, estate or trust.

Ten people's arms coming together

Support our Partners

Our partners and supporters share our vision of creating a world where women and girls have the same opportunities to learn, earn and lead as their male counterparts. In the fight for fairness, they share their talents and resources to help close the gender pay gap and make gender a reality.

Save taxes by donating stocks!

Donating stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and often take a charitable deduction for the full value of the asset. Use this tool to donate stock so we can track your gift, send you the correct receipt, and you can get the tax savings you deserve.  If you would prefer to make your donation through your broker, access our transfer information from the link above to notify AAUW of your gift. 

Save on taxes by giving from your IRA

If you are 70.5 or older, giving from your IRA can help reduce your taxable income — and for those over 73 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it! By using the link below to give from your IRA, you can auto-complete your paperwork and we can track your gift to send you the proper tax receipts. Give from my IRA

Easily make a grant from your Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations today. The secure DAF link below: Automatically links with your DAF Allows you to recommend how you’d like your gift to be used Notifies AAUW of your intentions Using the link below to grant from your DAF also saves us a lot of time, so thank you! It’s a great way to ensure consistent financial support while saving cash for immediate needs. Give from my DAF

We now accept Cryptocurrency donations!

We now accept donations of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies! This gives us one more way to fund our work and can provide you with extra tax benefits. Give Cryptocurrency now!

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