Work Smart & Start Smart: Salary Negotiation

Learn to successfully advocate for yourself — and help close the pay gap for women everywhere.

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Closing the Pay Gap

Why Work Smart & Start Smart?

Learn how to research your target salary, highlight your accomplishments and find the right words — and the confidence — to negotiate for better benefits and pay.

Negotiating increases your potential to earn more — and can make the difference for paying off loans, supporting your family, buying what you want and need and saving for the future.

  • One year out of college, women are already paid significantly less than men.
  • The gap grows larger over time during a woman’s career.
  • Women who work full time take home about 83 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker is paid.
  • Unless things change, the pay gap will not close til 2106 — that’s why we’re empowering women nation-wide with salary negotiation skills — and working to change polices and employer culture.

A transformative experience

I was really proud of myself and filled with self-affirmation and gratitude. Being able to stand for my self-worth and to then have an employer agree to what I requested was transformative.


AAUW Work Smart Online isn’t only proven to make you more confident in negotiating, it also wins awards!

Badge for Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards: Gold in Excellence in Learning, 2020
Best Unique or Innovative
Learning Program
Badge for Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards: Silver in Excellence in Learning, 2020
Best Use of Mobile Learning