Civil Rights & Transparency Clinic, University at Buffalo School of Law
The Civil Rights & Transparency Clinic at the University at Buffalo School of Law is launching the Western New York Gender Equity Initiative.
The Civil Rights & Transparency Clinic at the University at Buffalo School of Law is launching the Western New York Gender Equity Initiative.
In August 2021, AAUW contracted with the public opinion research firm Ipsos to poll women in New York City about how they fared economically during the pandemic. Women—including many women…
When it comes to compensation, many people think there’s safety in silence: Don’t ask anyone what they earn, and don’t discuss your own paycheck. But the reality is that staying…
If you feel your employer is engaging in pay discrimination against you, follow these basic steps.
Known as the “mother of the Hubble,” Dr. Roman was the first chief of astronomy at NASA and the first woman to hold an executive position there. After she died…
Three women, each of whom worked for USAID for more than 27 years in overseas posts, achieved the highest rank in the Senior Foreign Service (Career Minister). But in 2016,…
Despite the passage of the this law more than a half a century ago, women still do not take home wages equal to those of their male peers. Know your…
A legendary champion for equal pay shares her story and explains why we must keep working for meaningful change.
AAUW regularly submit letters to Congress, comments to regulating bodies, testimony before congress and sign on to legal briefs to help advance equity.