Q&A With Lilly Ledbetter
A legendary champion for equal pay shares her story and explains why we must keep working for meaningful change.
Policy Center
Pay equity. Paid family leave. Title IX. Lowering student debt. Stopping sexual harassment. Get involved — by changing policies we can improve gender equity.
What to Do If You Suspect Pay Discrimination
If you feel your employer is engaging in pay discrimination against you, follow these basic steps.
Know Your Rights: The Equal Pay Act
Despite the passage of the this law more than a half a century ago, women still do not take home wages equal to those of their male peers. Know your…
Where We Stand: Human Trafficking
AAUW believes that global interdependence requires national and international policies against human trafficking and that promote peace, justice, human rights, sustainable development, and mutual security for all people.
Explore the Issues
Together, we can reach gender equality in education, economic security, and leadership. Learn more about our core issues and how we work to achieve our mission: Equity for all.
Funding Women’s History
AAUW has a proud heritage of helping women pursue higher education, tracing back to a time when few women had that opportunity.
Policy Recommendations: Paid Leave
Unlike the majority of developed countries worldwide, the United States does not guarantee paid annual leave, paid time off for illness or family care or paid parental leave.
How to Organize an Issue Forum
Issue forums are a great way to share educational information about AAUW issues with your community and draw potential members into your branch.