5 Tips for Building Social Capital and Networks
Cultivating a professional network may feel daunting for recent college graduates, but it’s not as hard as it sounds. Here are five ways to get started.
Cultivating a professional network may feel daunting for recent college graduates, but it’s not as hard as it sounds. Here are five ways to get started.
"Too many people take themselves out of the competition. A job description is just a wish list. Don’t be discouraged and disqualify yourself based on someone’s fantasy. If you already…
Recent college graduates often feel they lack professional work experience as they put together their resumes. But think broadly to set yourself apart: If you volunteered in high school or…
AAUW announces that Gloria L. Blackwell will be the new organization's new CEO, effective October 18.
A sexual assault student victim at the University of Colorado Boulder reported under Title IX to the University, where her case was considered under one of the new tribunals created…
Title IX is a landmark federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education. It protects staff and students in any educational institution or program that receives federal funds. And AAUW is…
AAUW’s Diversity Officers play a critical role in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in their branches and states. The below Diversity Officer resources provide training and support for the role…
AAUW is proud of our impressive accomplishments this year. Whether it’s through training programs, research, fellowships and grants, or our advocacy efforts.