The STEM Gap: Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Giving women equal opportunities to pursue — and thrive in — STEM careers helps narrow the gender pay gap, enhances women’s economic security and ensures a diverse and talented STEM…
DEI Toolkit: Ethnicity & National Origin
Ethnicity shapes our experiences and gives individuals unique perspectives on how the world works. These unique perspectives can supplement the perspectives we already have and make our views on workplaces,…
Celebrating 140 Years of AAUW
LAF Case Support Travel Grants
LAF Case Support Travel Grants make it possible for AAUW members to meet these plaintiffs and advocates and hear their stories at AAUW state and regional conventions.
Freyd v. University of Oregon
Jennifer J. Freyd has been a Professor in the University of Oregon’s Psychology Department for more than 30 years and is a national leader in the field of trauma psychology.…
Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment and Assault on Campus
Although sexual harassment and sexual assault can happen to anyone, female students are disproportionately affected, impeding their safety, comfort and equal access to education. Know your rights on campus.
6 Tips for Making the Most of LinkedIn
Whether you’re targeting a job search in academia, a non-profit organization or a company, having a strong presence on LinkedIn can help you find that next, best opportunity.
Where We Stand: Retirement Security
To achieve economic security for all women, AAUW advocates strengthening retirement benefits and programs, including pension improvements and protecting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from privatization.
Where We Stand: STEM Education
AAUW advocates increased support for and protection of programs that meet the needs of girls and women in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education, including strong promotion of science, technology, engineering,…