Learn to negotiate your financial future through an AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop!
Washington, DC
Empowering Working Women in Washington, D.C.
Whether you are negotiating for a new job or an earned raise or promotion, in every workshop you will gain confidence to:
- Determine your personal value.
- Set your target salary and benefits.
- Create your strategy — how to build your pitch, deflect and respond persuasively.
- Practice, practice, practice.
Why is negotiation so important? AAUW’s research on the gender pay gap shows that, one year out of college, women are already paid significantly less than men. Women who work full time take home 83 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker is paid. And over a lifetime, those lost potential earnings add up.
Women who negotiate increase their potential to earn higher salaries and better benefits packages. By negotiating fair and equitable salaries, you’ll be better able to:
- Pay off loans
- Buy the things you want and need
- Even save for retirement.

A Collaborative Initiative
In 2017, AAUW, Mayor Muriel Bowser, and the Mayor’s Office on Women’s Policy and Initiatives launched a large-scale grassroots initiative to teach 15,000 women by 2022 to negotiate their salaries and benefit packages with confidence. The initiative also aims to help close the gender pay gap in the District of Columbia.
The median earnings for men in the District of Columbia are $74,877 compared to $66,679 for women — an earnings ratio of just 89 percent, or second out of all states (including D.C.). While D.C. has a smaller gender pay gap than most states do, an 11 percent gap is still far from gender parity. And for most women, the pay gap is wider. Latinas working in the nation’s capital are paid 60 cents for every dollar white, non-Hispanic men are paid; African American women 54 cents; American Indian women 54 cents; and Asian American women 66 cents.
All in-person workshops have been postponed.
As a result of the ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19 and the need for physical distancing, there are no in-person Start Smart or Work Smart workshops scheduled at this time.