Registration is open! Visit NASPA’s website to register:
NCCWSL Background: AAUW was home to the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) for 39 years. In 2025, NCCWSL is moving to our trusted friends at NASPA, the professional home for student affairs administrators in higher education. Please visit their NCCWSL page for the most up-to-date information on NCCWSL 2025.
Thank you for your support of NCCWSL and our country’s next generation of women leaders!
Branches are encouraged to support NCCWSL in one of two ways:
- Directly register students through NASPA’s conference registration system.
- Contribute to AAUW to provide for NCCWSL scholarships, which will be awarded to AAUW’s Student Associates. This is a great opportunity to encourage students to join AAUW. Note that all students at College/University Member campuses can join AAUW for free!
Registration is open! Conference rates, including early bird registration rates, can be found on NASPA’s website.
To register students for NCCWSL, a branch leader must first create an account in NASPA’s conference registration system. Instructions on how to create an account can be found here.
Once you have a NASPA account, you can register up to 15 students for NCCWSL by following these instructions. Please note that each student must first have their own account with NASPA, which is free.
Yes, AAUW is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships for AAUW’s Student Associates to NCCWSL.
The National Scholarship Application will open on April 1 and close on April 11 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Applications must be submitted online to be considered. Scholarship recipients must be active AAUW Student Associates. The application link will be sent to all Student Associates and will be available on this page on April 1.
Yes! Branches may still contribute to NCCWSL scholarships via AAUW. 80% of funds donated will be allocated toward direct scholarship support (registration fees only – not inclusive of travel or incidentals) and 20% of funds donated will be allocated toward the staff time and other direct administrative costs associated with managing the scholarship program.
Scholarships will be awarded to AAUW’s Student Associates.
This is a great opportunity to encourage students to join AAUW. Note that all students at College/University Member campuses can join AAUW for free
For 39 years, and with the support of our members, AAUW has inspired thousands of young women to pursue their goals and drive meaningful change through their NCCWSL experience.
AAUW is incredibly proud of the impact we’ve made through NCCWSL, however the increasing cost of hosting the conference has continued to significantly exceed the income generated by registration fees, scholarship donations and sponsorships. Ultimately, the cost has become unsustainable for AAUW.
Starting in 2025, management of NCCWSL moves to NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
AAUW remains involved in a limited capacity as an exhibitor (promoting AAUW membership and other engagement such as 2-minute activist) and will have an opportunity to have a keynote, speech or other presentation (for example offering a presentation on AAUW Start Smart or AAUW Money Smart) at the conference.
NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, is the leading association for scholarship, professional development, and advocacy for student affairs professionals. NASPA members are student affairs administrators that will be able to promote NCCWSL and register students for the conference. NASPA has extensive experience in event management and co-hosted NCCWSL in prior years.
No. NCCWSL will be held in May 28-30, 2025 at the University of Maryland, College Park. In the coming years NCCWSL will be managed and hosted by NASPA. AAUW will maintain a presence at NCCWSL through an exhibition space to promote AAUW and in programming through a keynote address, speech or other presentation such as a presentation on AAUW Start Smart or AAUW Money Smart.
AAUW will be an exhibitor at NCCWSL to promote engagement with AAUW and we will have a keynote address, speech or other presentation, for example a presentation on AAUW Start Smart or AAUW Money Smart.
Yes, for FY 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) NCCWSL support will qualify in the Advancement criteria for the 5 Star program.
NASPA will be the permanent host of NCCWSL starting in 2025. If they decide for some reason to stop hosting NCCWSL, AAUW has the first right of refusal to host NCCWSL in the future.