Serve on a Review Panel
Finding Future Fellows & Grantees
Would you like to contribute to women’s advancement in education and the workplace? One way you can do that is by serving on one of AAUW’s review panels, which are responsible for helping to choose the next recipients of our Fellowships and Grants programs.
WHO: We seek panelists for our American Fellowships; Career Development Grants; Community Action Grants; International Fellowships; International Project Grants; and Selected Professions Fellowships.
WHAT: Panelists review and work with a partner to recommend awardees to AAUW.
WHEN: Panelists review applications between January-March.
HOW: We encourage interested panelists to complete application forms in the summer and fall to be considered for the upcoming cycle’s application period.
All panelists should have a commitment to advancing gender equity in higher academic, the professions, and/or the community.
American Fellowships; International Fellowships; and Research Publication Grants in Engineering, Medicine and Science panelists should have a doctoral degree, a publication record, and be involved in their fields of expertise.
Career Development Grants and Selected Professions Panelists should have a graduate or professional degree and be working in their field.
Community Action Grants and International Project Grants panelists should have experience in grant writing and/or grant administration and in planning and budgeting for similar projects and programs. They should also have knowledge of equity issues for women and girls.
AAUW values and seeks diversity in its Fellowships and Grants review panels. For more information, email
Apply for the Review Panel
AAUW has recently switched to a new system for Review Panel applications. Please follow the steps below to apply.
- Log in or create your AAUW account by taking the following steps:
- If you already have an AAUW Community Hub account, log in with your email address and password.
- If you believe you may already be in the AAUW system (AAUW member, past review panelist, alumnae, etc.) but have not yet logged into the new Community Hub portal, click FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD and follow the prompts to set up a password.
- If you are not yet affiliated with AAUW in any way, click DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT and follow the prompts.
- Review and, if needed, update your Personal Snapshot.
- Apply in My Review Panel Application.
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