Current Cases

LAF challenges sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace.

AAUW has provided millions of dollars to support hundreds of cases. Learn more about current cases we are supporting.

Close up photo of the front of the US Supreme Court building,

John Doe v. Jane Doe

Jane was a college student who reported sexual misconduct by a fellow student to her school. The college conducted a formal Title IX investigation process and hearing, and ultimately found the Respondent responsible for sexual misconduct in violation of its Title IX policy, and removed him from the college. The Respondent brought a defamation suit against Jane, which is still pending in court. Case Adopted January 2023


Louk v. Visible College

Mara Louk was a senior at Visible Music College, a private Christian school, when a fellow Visible student forcibly raped and strangled her. Visible refused to investigate Mara’s report of the assault, and instead disciplined Mara for allegedly having premarital sex with a prior boyfriend. Mara filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, and the Department is now investigating Visible for retaliation and other violations of the Clery Act and Title IX. Case adopted January 2023.

Joseph v. Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia et al.

MaChelle Joseph is the former Head Coach of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s women’s basketball team, which she successfully led for 16 years. The university’s athletic department, however, afforded Coach Joseph and her team significantly fewer benefits and resources than it provided to the men’s basketball team. Soon after Coach Joseph filed a complaint about this discriminatory treatment, the university suspended and ultimately terminated her employment. Case adopted January 2022.

Miller v. Sam Houston State University/Texas State University System

Dr. Audrey K. Miller, an expert in gender violence, trauma, and forensic psychology, was a tenure-track Assistant Professor of psychology at Sam Houston State University. Despite her excellent performance reviews and nominations for university awards, Dr. Miller was denied promotion and tenure after she expressed concern to administrators about discriminatory treatment that she and other women in her department had experienced. Case adopted: January 2021.

University of Kentucky Student Building with cannon out front

Jane Doe v. The University of Kentucky

To ensure access to education for women and girls, AAUW advocates for the full protections of Title IX. AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund supports this case to reform the sexual assault hearing process on campuses. Currently, alleged assailants have multiple opportunities to re-victimize survivors through the hearings process, under the guise of due process.

university building at St. Cloud State University

Portz v. St. Cloud State University et al.

Portz v. St. Cloud State University et al. is a case involving 10 female student athletes who filed a lawsuit against St. Cloud State University (SCSU) and Minnesota State College and University Systems alleging violations of Title IX.