Local Scholarships
AAUW branches and states provide funding for local scholarship programs across the U.S. for qualified women. Participating branches and states determine their scholarship amounts and eligibility criteria, and applicants apply directly to the opportunities for which they are qualified.
For more information, please contact your local AAUW branch using the information below.
Ann Rhian and Nancy Johnson Memorial Scholarships
Fairbanks Alaska Branch: Fairbanks, AK
P.O. Box 83406
Fairbanks, AK 99708-3406
Scholarship type: Undergraduate or Graduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00
Sacramento Branch Scholarships
Sacramento Branch, Inc.: Sacramento, CA
3736-64th Street
Sacramento, CA 95820
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000.00
Lower Connecticut Valley Branch Scholarship
AAUW Lower Connecticut Valley Branch: Old Saybrook, CT
20 Meetinghouse Lane
Old Lyme, CT 06417
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000.000
AAUW Dover Branch
- Two $1500 Scholarships and
- One $2500 memorial scholarship to senior majoring in music
Scholarship applications are now available online. Write to doverdeaauw@gmail.com and request a link to the scholarship application.
Eligibility Criteria:
- High school senior resident of Kent County
- 3.0 or higher GPA
- Accepted into a 4-year college/university
- 250 word essay
- Two letters of recommendation
Application Deadline: April 15, 2022
AAUW Western Sussex Branch
Deadline: check with school counselor
- Be a female high school senior
- Reside in Laurel, Seaford, Woodbridge, or Delmar school districts.
- Plan to be enrolled in a four-year college in the United States.
- Plan to work towards a bachelor’s degree.
- Have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
AAUW, Wilmington (DE) Branch
Deadline: March 1, 2022
Eligibility: Female U.S. citizens and high school graduates. All new applicants must be New Castle County, DE residents. All high school seniors must attend a public, parochial, private high school, or be homeschooled in New Castle County. Homeschooled students must meet University of Delaware admission requirements. All scholarship recipients must be enrolled in a baccalaureate or graduate degree program at an accredited institution. Any incomplete application or application after the deadline will not be processed.
Award: Varies with maximum of $5,000; several scholarships awarded.
Contact: Scholarship information and application: aauwwilmscholars@gmail.com
General Information: wilmington-de.aauw.net
Coastal Georgetown AAUW
Deadline: March 4, 2022 to CGAAUW@gmail.com
Eligibility: Open to springtime 2022 graduating, female seniors who plan to attend a college, university, or accredited trade school in fall 2022. Must attend one of six public high schools in the coastal Georgetown area: Indian River, Sussex Central, Sussex Tech, Cape Henlopen, Milford, or Sussex Academy.
Application package must include:
- Current transcript
- Essay of up to 400 words, typed and double spaced that answers the application questions.
- List or resumé showing leadership roles, activities, interests, community service and work experience.
- Letter of recommendation from someone other than a guidance counselor or family member.
- Two $2000.00 academic scholarships in 2022.
- One 2022 vocational scholarship to an accredited two or four-year college or university resulting in a trade license.
Contact: download application online or see high school counselor.
Barbara Shamp, Scholarship Chair, CGAAUWscholarship@gmail.com
AAUW-Coastal Georgetown Branch
Pompano Beach AAUW Scholarship
AAUW Pompano Beach Branch: Deerfield Beach, FL
665 SE 21st Avenue #308
Deerfield, FL 33441
Scholarship type: Undergraduate scholarship
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00 to $2,000.000
Inez Robb Scholarship
Boise Area Branch: Boise, ID
210 W State St.
Boise ID 83702
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00
Application link: Application listed as “Boise Branch, American Association of University Women Inez Robb Scholarship Fund”
Angeline Gale Scholarship
AAUW Naperville Branch: Naperville, IL
P.O. Box 4662
Naperville, IL 60567
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $5,000
Sydell Hollman Scholarship 2020
AAUW Naperville Branch: Naperville, IL
P.O. Box 4662
Naperville, IL 60567
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $5,000
AAUW Elmhurst Area Branch NFP: Elmhurst, IL
P.O. Box 243
Elmhurst, IL 60126
The AAUW Elmhurst Area Branch NFP is offering two (2) grants of $3,500 each to local women who need financial assistance to continue their education at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Eligibility includes:
- Resident of Elmhurst, Addison, Bensenville, Berkeley, Northlake, Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace, or Villa Park IL
- Age 25 or older
- Completion of at least 12 credit hours at an accredited community or undergraduate college/university
- Full or Part time enrollment
Application Deadline is April 15, 2024
Return to Learning Scholarship
Lombard Area (IL) AAUW Branch: Carol Stream, IL
1350 Ridgefield Circle
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Scholarship type: Undergraduate or Graduate
Amount per award ($): $1,300.00
Mary Anderson Memorial Scholarship
AAUW Taunton Area Branch: Taunton, MA
606 Pleasant Street
Raynham, MA 02767
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $500.00
Women in Transition Scholarship
AAUW Midland Branch: Midland, MI
76 Ashman Circle
Midland, MI 48640
Scholarship type: Undergraduate and Graduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000.00
AAUW Capital (NV) Branch Scholarship
AAUW Capital (NV) Branch: Carson City, Nevada
Scholarship type: undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000
Atlantic County Branch
Atlantic County AAUW had donated scholarship funding to local women for over 100 years. Through our partnerships, proceeds from our annual scholarship luncheon allows women in need to achieve their academic goals at either Stockton University or Atlantic Cape Community College. Our members believe education is the key to equality.
Barnegat Area Branch
The branch awards $250 to each high school in our area (Barnegat, Pinelands Regional and Southern Ocean Regional). We also award three continuing education scholarships: $1000 Patricia E. Nolan Memorial Scholarship, $1000 Catherine R. Gross Memorial Scholarship and $500 Judy Lynne Memorial Scholarship. Contact information: jriff5@aol.com
Cape May Branch
Three scholarships of $1,000 are given annually through The Marion MacEwan Second Chance Scholarship. AAUW of Cape May County awards scholarships to women whose post high school college education was interrupted, for whatever reason, and who are currently continuing their education. This scholarship is based upon academic standing and demonstrated financial need. Scholarships are administrated by Atlantic Cape Community College and the Atlantic Cape Community College Foundation.
Garden State Branch
A $500.00 stipend is being given annually to a recipient in Sussex County by Project Self Sufficiency. This stipend may be used for a variety of needs related to the pursuit of a degree.
Greater Wayne Area Branch
The AAUW Greater Wayne Area Branch Scholarship Committee awards annual scholarships for women returning to college to complete their first undergraduate degree. The scholarships are intended to help ease the burden of college expenses for the recipients. The AAUW Greater Wayne Area Branch scholarships are reviewed and selected by the AAUW Greater Wayne Branch scholarship committee. In 2019, the Greater Wayne Area Branch awarded three $1500 scholarships in addition to donating $500 to AAUW National Funds
P.O. Box 6052
Freehold, NJ 7728
Scholarship type: Undergraduate or Graduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000.00
Freehold awards Lew Williams and Joan Odud Scholarship, for women 25 or older finishing undergraduate or graduate degree. The Rose Fishkin Award is awarded to highest ranking female graduate from each of the schools in the Freehold High School District. The Leila Sulkes Memorial Scholarship, awarded to a full time female student at Brookdale Community College.
Madison Branch
Contact: aauwgrant@hotmail.com
Women age 25 or over, who are residents of Chatham, Chatham Township, Florham Park, East Hanover, Madison, Morris Township, or Morristown and are enrolled in an educational program pursuing a certificate, undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate studies are eligible to apply.
Medford Area Branch
The AAUW Medford Branch Scholarship Committee will award a $1,000 Scholarship for a non-traditional female college student in May 2021. This scholarship is intended to ease the burden of college expenses for the recipient.
Montclair College Women’s Club
The College Women’s Club of Montclair presents scholarship awards of varying amounts to high school girls from Montclair H.S., Cedar Grove H.S., and Verona H.S. They gave between $40,000 and $44,000 to approximately 20 girls for each of the past several years. Awards are about $2,000. Scholarship applications must be obtained through the guidance counselor at the student’s high school. The College Women’s Club funds the Past President Award for women returning to college, CWC Grant for Mature Women. It also supports AAUW Education Foundation and the AAUW Eleanor Roosevelt Fund.
Mountain Lakes Branch, N.J.
The Mountain Lakes Area Branch of AAUW, N.J., provides local scholarship for women students in higher education. Application forms are available at this contact:
Scholarship Committee Contact Candace Shank
Candace Shanks
2107 Franklin Lane
Rockaway, NJ 07866
AAUW-NOCB Academic Scholarship
AAUW Northern Ocean County Branch: Ocean County, NJ
P.O. Box 1994
Brick, NJ 08723
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00
Northern Monmouth County Branch
This branch funds scholarships at Brookdale Community College, Monmouth University and Douglass College. Every year, we also honor the top female senior math student in each of the 22 local high schools. Our investment in the educational future of woman is our major goal. Local Scholarships include: The Audrie LaTowsky Scholarship, Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, The Louise Marsen Scholasrship, Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, The Esther Hymer Scholarship, Monmouth University, The Susan Gelber Scholarship and The Barbara Williamson Scholarship.
Nutley Branch
The Nutley Branch of AAUW awarded one scholarship of $1,000 to a Nutley resident who majored in Art at Bard College. Contact is made by AAUW to Nutley High School. Contact: joannaconrad@gmail.com
Salem County Branch
The Salem Branch of AAUW awards two $1,000.00 Nancy Timberman Memorial Awards as scholarships to high school seniors. They also sponsor a student to attend the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. The applications for the scholarships and conference are available through the Guidance Departments at each local high school.
Somerset Hills Branch
This branch has been giving scholarships for over 60 years. Please refer to the following endowment funds: #0491, #0837, #4358, and the Herta Rosenblat Endowment. In addition to these, we have also given scholarships to the Mary I Bunting Fund at Douglass/Rutgers University, the Raritan Valley Community College Foundation and sent a student to the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders for many years. The NCCWSL student from Raritan Valley Community College was paid for from our scholarship fund.
Summit Branch
The application for scholarship is at the above link.
Sussex County Branch
The Sussex County branch of AAUW awards two scholarships annually to women who are Sussex County Community College students. One award is for a student majoring in STEM. One award is for a student majoring in the Arts.
Trenton Branch
The Trenton branch awarded to 12 scholarships to girls from six high schools in Mercer County. The scholarships totaled $15,000. Scholarships have been given every year since 1917. Branch began as The Trenton College Club in 1911. We also gave a fellowship of $2,000 to a young woman working on her masters degree. Contact: 123bjd@gmail.com
Adirondack Branch Memorial Scholarship
AAUW Adirondack Branch: Greater Glens Falls Area, NY
236 Konci Terrace
Lake George, NY 12845
Scholarship type: Undergraduate or Graduate level
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00
Residential restrictions: Resident of the area served by the Adirondack Branch of AAUW.
Restrictions: Full-time student.
Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation Inc
AAUW Ithaca Branch: Ithaca,NY
Tompkins Cortland Community Foundation Inc.
PO Box 520
Dryden, NY 13053
United States
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): Fluctuates based on Foundation Board Decision
Residential restrictions: No
Restrictions: Female student matriculated in a degree seeking program. The student must be 25-yr. old or older and have a gap in their educational experience and demonstrated financial need. The award amount will be approved by the TC3 Foundation Board annually. Applicants must complete an application through their mytc3 account and a FAFSA Application.
Jill Shelley Memorial Scholarship at Craven Community College
AAUW Twin Rivers Branch: New Bern, NC
Point of Contact: Craven Community College
800 College Ct.
New Bern, NC 28562
Scholarship type: Undergraduate award for a female student for any major at Craven Community College (CCC)
Amount per award ($): Varies each year
Application link:
AAUW Graduate Woman Scholarship, AAUW Undergraduate Woman Scholarship
AAUW Tahlequah Branch: Tahlequah, OK
812 N Cedar Ave
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Scholarship type: Undergraduate/graduate scholarship
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00 and $500.00
Restrictions: only for students at Northeastern State University
AAUW Carlisle Branch Higher Education Scholarship
AAUW Carlisle Branch: Carlisle, PA
PO Box 815
Carlisle, PA 17013
Scholarship type: Undergraduate, Graduate
Amount per award ($): $1,500.00
Application link:
Alice Lawson Scholarship
West Chester – Chester County PA Branch: Downingtown, PA
26 Blakely Road
Downingtown, PA 19335
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,500.00
Graduate Scholarship
York (PA) Branch: York, PA
1525 Fifth Ave.
York, PA 17403
Scholarship type: Graduate
Amount per award ($): $3,000.00
Undergraduate Scholarship
York (PA) Branch: York, PA
1525 Fifth Ave.
York, PA 17403
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000.00
Community Service Scholarship
Tennessee Branch: Antioch, TN
3424 Calais Circle
Antioch, Tennessee, 37013
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000
Endowed Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates at University of Texas at Austin, AAUW Frances Malmberg Endowed Scholarship in the Austin Community College Foundation
Austin, TX Branch: Austin, TX
P.O. Box 5304
Austin, TX 78763-5304
Scholarship type: Graduate
Amount per award ($): $2,000
Tarrant County Branch Scholarship
AAUW Tarrant County Branch: Tarrant County, TX
1500 Houston St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Scholarship type: One for education and counseling majors, and one for STEM majors.
Amount per award ($): $750/semester
The AAUW Hill Country Scholarship and The Gwynn Groggel Memorial Scholarship
AAUW Hill Country Branch: Kerrville, TX
805 Loop 534, Unit 141
Kerrville, TX 78028
Scholarship type: Graduate scholarship
Amount per award ($): $2,000 per scholarship (2 available)
AAUW Salt Lake City Branch Scholarship
AAUW Salt Lake City Branch: Salt Lake City, Utah
Scholarship type: Undergraduate
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00
AAUW St. George Branch Scholarship
AAUW St. George Branch: St. George, Utah
P.O. Box 790
St. George, UT 84771
Scholarship type: Multiple undergraduate scholarships
Amount per award ($): $1,000.00 to $2,000.00
Beverly Anderson Scholarship
AAUW Fairfax City Branch: Fairfax, VA
10847 Split Oak Lane
Burke, VA 22015
Scholarship type: Undergraduate scholarship
Amount per award ($): Up to $2,500.00
Ways to Give to AAUW