Volunteer Leader Position Descriptions
The state president/administrator develops, implements, and oversees all AAUW activities in the state; conducts the business of AAUW in the state; and serves as the primary AAUW liaison to the state, region, national office, and external communities.
Responsibilities to Your State
- Convene a state board of directors to plan, implement, and monitor AAUW activities in your state.
- Communicate your vision for the state, commitment, and expectations to the board and state and branch leaders.
- Work with the board to evaluate previous state efforts and develop a state strategic plan that supports AAUW’s current priorities.
- Support board officers in carrying out the strategic plan and achieving its measurable goals and objectives, including but not limited to membership recruitment and retention, public policy and voter education, diversity, AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund initiatives, fellowships and grants, and leadership programs.
- Encourage collaboration and teamwork, link membership development to all programming, and weave diversity into all that you do.
- Participate on state coalitions that advance AAUW’s mission.
Carry out AAUW business through the state board, state conventions, regional conferences, and the national convention, in accordance with state and AAUW bylaws. - Serve as AAUW’s state spokesperson internally and externally.
- Review and monitor the state’s fiscal health and sign off on expenditures as appropriate.
Responsibilities to Branches in Your State
Establish a communications schedule with branch presidents. Regular contact helps ensure that local efforts are consistent with AAUW’s mission and goals. Share successful branch programs among branches.
Responsibilities to AAUW
Encourage the state board and branches to support national initiatives and programs. Keep AAUW informed of activities in your state. Support AAUW’s leadership development efforts by nominating members in your state for national leadership positions.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
A good candidate will be skilled at planning and goal setting, program planning and development, communications, team building, coalition building, mentoring, public speaking, orientation, training, consensus building, intercultural sensitivity and understanding, dealing with the media, and fundraising.
Time Commitments
Along with the time necessary to accomplish the above responsibilities, this position requires time to serve on the state board of directors and other committees as assigned. Attendance at state conventions and board meetings is required.
The state finance officer oversees the fiscal operations of the state organization.
Overall Responsibilities
- Open and maintain state checking and/or savings accounts and establish authorized check signers for your state. Affiliates must use their own IRS-assigned Tax Identification Number (TIN) on all bank accounts.
- Work with your finance officer — and local affiliate membership vice president if applicable — to make sure all membership fees are submitted, including filing the necessary forms with the AAUW national office.
- Process and submit AAUW and AAUW Action Fund contributions in compliance with proper financial accounting procedures, IRS regulations and AAUW.
- Work with your state board to evaluate the financial health and stability of your state’s finances, develop a budget that supports your state’s programs and activities, and support a state financial review process.
- Prepare a financial statement that includes an analysis of actual performance against the budget at least once per quarter.
- Be aware of relevant federal and state charitable tax issues and legal liabilities.
- File IRS Form 990-N (gross receipts $50,000 or less), 990-EZ (gross receipts under $200,000), or 990 based on gross annual receipts and total asset thresholds.
- Protect the assets of the state by securing adequate insurance coverage and implementing internal controls and procedures.
- Retain in good order all financial statements, IRS forms and correspondence, sales and use tax certificates, tax determination letters, paid checks, deposits, contracts, and other financial supporting documents consistent with best practices and state laws.
Responsibilities to Affiliates in Your State
- Provide support and technical assistance to finance officers as needed.
- Review and maintain state copies of dues, fees, membership, and contribution reports.
Responsibilities to AAUW National Office. - Work with other officers in your state to ensure that all dues and fees, due and fee reports, and contributions and contribution reports are submitted and filed with the national office according to established procedures and time lines.
- Ensure that your state complies with all federal and state charitable tax laws and procedures and generally accepted accounting principles and practices.
- Ensure that all federal and state authorities and the AAUW national office have the correct contact information for your state.
Time Commitment
In addition to the above responsibilities, the finance officer also serves on the state board of directors and other committees as assigned.
The state college/university (C/U) relations chair serves as the link between AAUW and the higher education community to recruit and retain AAUW C/U members in her or his state and to increase AAUW’s visibility on campuses.
Responsibilities of Each Member of the State Board
- Align the strategic direction of AAUW entities in your state with each other and with AAUW national Identify and connect branches with resources, opportunities, and training that will empower branches to meet their goals most effectively.
- Create and maintain structures that facilitate interbranch and branch-to-state communication and collaboration.
Specific Responsibilities
Responsibilities to Your State
- Develop an annual action plan and budget that includes specific, measurable goals as well as C/U member recruitment and engagement priorities.
- Ensure that C/U membership priorities are integrated throughout your state’s strategic plan
Work with other state officers and committees to integrate C/U relationships with other state priorities, including state conventions and promoting diversity and membership growth. - Report on state membership statistics and trends as requested.
- Disseminate C/U member program information and updates to your state board, branches, and the broader community.
- Share successful practices and updates from branch C/U chairs with the state board.
- Coordinate plans with other state officers to help transition student associates into other membership categories, including branch membership.
Responsibilities to Branches in Your State
- Encourage the appointment of branch C/U chairs who will advise on recruiting strategies.
- Maintain regular communication with branch C/U chairs and support their C/U outreach efforts through motivation, encouragement, technical assistance, resource sharing, and strategy development. (In the absence of a branch C/U chair, maintain contact with the membership vice president and/or president.)
- Encourage the exchange of ideas and effective tactics among branch C/U chairs in your state
Responsibilities to AAUW and the National C/U Committee. - Keep AAUW updated on branch and state C/U outreach activities.
- Inform the C/U staff liaison of recruitment efforts, trends, activities and issues important to women on campuses in your state.
- Respond to biannual outreach calls from the national C/U committee.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
A good candidate will be skilled at goal setting, program development, and communication as well as team and coalition building. Candidates should also have a passion for college student development and community outreach.
Time Commitment
Approximate time required for this position is 15 hours per month. Attendance at state board meetings and state conventions is required.
The state fund chair oversees efforts to maximize the impact of strategic philanthropic development and donor stewardship to ensure sustainability of AAUW’s programs.
Responsibilities of Each Member of the State Board
- Align strategic direction of AAUW entities in your state with each other and AAUW national
Identify and connect branches with resources, opportunities, and training that will empower branches to meet their goals most effectively. - Create and maintain structures that facilitate interbranch and branch-to-state communication and collaboration.
Specific Responsibilities of the State Fund Chair
Responsibilities to Your State
- Be knowledgeable of the AAUW national fundraising and scholarship policies (AAUW Policies 501, 502 and 600) and their impact on AAUW affiliates.
- Ensure the state complies with AAUW national fundraising policies and IRS regulations and submits state donations in a timely manner.
- Honoring donor intent, inspire members to underwrite AAUW and its programs through (preferably undesignated) gifts.
- Participate in fundraising trainings such as AAUW webinars, AAUW workshops, or opportunities provided by other professional outlets.
- Work with other state officers and committees to integrate fundraising with state priorities.
- Celebrate successful fundraising and its impact through recognition at state conferences and in state publications.
- Distribute confidential AAUW quarterly donation reports to each branch in a timely manner; report discrepancies noted by the branches.
- Share successful fundraising ideas with the AAUW Fundraising Committee.
Responsibilities to Branches in Your State
- Maintain contact with branch fund chairs and support their fundraising development efforts through regular communication, motivation, technical assistance, and fundraising training at state and regional conferences.
- Encourage dialogue about policy compliance in fundraising efforts and disbursements
Responsibilities to AAUW. - Adhere to all AAUW fundraising and scholarship policies and educate yourself on the current AAUW Bylaws; encourage branches to do the same.
- Contact AAUW about member concerns or questions related to fundraising efforts or disbursement.
- Submit donations in a timely manner using the AAUW Contribution Report Form.
- Lead by example: Be an AAUW donor.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
Experience in planning and goal setting, communications, marketing, team building, consensus building, formal or informal fundraising, and leadership development is helpful to the position.
Time Commitments
Approximate time required for this position is 10–15 hours per month. Attendance at state board meetings and conventions is required.
According to the AAUW Bylaws, affiliates such as state organizations and branches, are required to have only two officers: president and finance chair. The president/administrator conducts the business of AAUW and develops, implements and oversees AAUW activities within the affiliate and community.
- Know and adhere to the branch bylaws, policies and procedures.
- Convene a board of directors to plan and implement activities that advance AAUW priorities and issues while engaging members, supporters and community friends.
- Facilitate collegial board and branch decision-making regarding goals, expectations and use of resources.
- Develop a strategic plan with measurable goals and objectives that might include membership recruitment and retention, program activity, public policy, diversity, leadership development and AAUW Fund initiatives.
- Encourage collaboration and teamwork; incorporate membership development, public policy advocacy, and fundraising into branch programs.
- Commit to diversity in all that you do; seek opportunities for inclusion of individuals and groups
Participate in community collaborations that advance AAUW’s mission. - Seek and maintain collaborative relationships with local colleges/universities and students.
- Represent your branch within your community and state.
- Review and monitor fiscal health and sign off on expenditures as appropriate.
- Encourage participation in AAUW’s leadership training and resources.
Responsibilities to Your State
- Maintain regular contact with the state president and keep them informed of branch activities
Know and adhere to state bylaws, policies and procedures.
Responsibilities to AAUW
- Encourage members to support national initiatives and programs.
- Adhere to all AAUW policies and procedures through compliance with the AAUW Bylaws, affiliate agreement, and fundraising guidelines (AAUW Policy 501).
- Support AAUW’s leadership development efforts by nominating branch members for national and state leadership positions.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
An effective leader is willing to learn and practice skills in strategic planning and goal setting, meeting facilitation and team building, public speaking and communications. A leader is able to recognize and employ the talents of others; to inspire collaborative work toward common goals; to mentor and encourage; and to be empathetic, reassuring and decisive.
Time Commitment
An effective leader uses their time wisely by planning ahead and delegating responsibilities. Branch and board meetings require time to facilitate, which can be done through use of different media. Branch leaders should attend state conventions and conferences.
The branch fund chair oversees efforts to maximize the impact of strategic philanthropic development and donor stewardship to ensure sustainability of AAUW’s programs.
Responsibilities of Each Member of the Branch Board
- Take an active and collaborative role in leading the branch to plan and implement AAUW activities.
- Align branch activities with state and national AAUW priorities.
- Actively recruit new members and engage existing members in activities.
Specific Responsibilities of the Branch Fund Chair
Responsibilities to Your Branch
- Be knowledgeable of the AAUW national fundraising and scholarship policies (AAUW Policies 501, 502, and 600) and ensure the branch complies with AAUW national policies and IRS regulations.
- Be knowledgeable about AAUW programs that can help meet fundraising goals
Honoring donor intent, inspire members to underwrite AAUW and its programs through (preferably undesignated) gifts. - Ensure member donations are submitted in a timely manner.
- Work with other branch officers and committees to integrate fundraising with other priorities
Participate in fundraising trainings such as AAUW webinars, AAUW workshops, or opportunities provided by other professional outlets. - Celebrate successful fundraising and its impact by thanking and recognizing donors through branch publications, at branch meetings, and with personal thank-yous.
- Review AAUW quarterly branch donation reports and report any discrepancies to the state fund chair.
Responsibilities to AAUW
- Be familiar with and adhere to all AAUW fundraising and scholarship policies, AAUW Bylaws, and IRS regulations.
- Help members understand the vital relationship between AAUW programs and donor funding.
- Dialogue with AAUW about member concerns or questions related to fundraising efforts or disbursement.
- Submit donations in a timely manner using the AAUW Contribution Report Form.
- Lead by example: Be an AAUW donor.
Responsibilities to Your State
- Celebrate successful fundraising and its impact.
- Share successful fundraising ideas.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
Experience in planning and goal setting, communications, marketing, team building, consensus building, formal or informal fundraising, and leadership development is helpful to the position.
Time Commitments
Approximate time required for this position is two to five hours per month. Attendance at state conventions is encouraged.
The science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) chair serves on an AAUW branch board. The purpose of the role is to champion women’s representation in STEM by encouraging women and girls to pursue these educational and career fields. Chairs are expected to initiate and participate in local STEM events and be effective communicators for AAUW’s STEM research and programmatic efforts.
Responsibilities of Each Member of the Branch Board
- Take an active and collaborative role in leading the branch to plan and implement AAUW activities.
- Align branch activities with state and national AAUW priorities.
- Actively recruit new members and engage existing members in activities.
Specific Responsibilities of the Branch STEM Chair
Responsibilities to Your Branch
- Develop an action plan for STEM education outreach and events that includes specific, measurable goals.
- Ensure that STEM education outreach and events are included in the state or branch budget.
- Serve on AAUW Tech Trek or AAUW Tech Savvy committees, if applicable, and volunteer at AAUW STEM events.
- Attend local STEM conferences, distribute information about AAUW programs and research, network with local STEM-focused groups, and explore other opportunities to collaborate at the local level.
- Speak to community groups about AAUW research and STEM programs.
- Encourage branch and state organizations to promote local STEM events on national social media outlets by tagging and sharing with the AAUW Facebook page and Twitter feed.
- Bring successful STEM branch events to the attention of the AAUW national office.
- Publicize AAUW STEM activities at your state convention.
- Familiarize yourself with AAUW STEM educational programs and materials and be prepared to discuss the benefits of STEM engagement with branch and state organizations and community members.
Responsibilities to Your State
- Establish a communication schedule with other STEM chairs in your state; regular contact will help support branch efforts and ensure that branch programs stay on track.
- Assist AAUW branches in implementing STEM events as a leader volunteer.
- Publicize successful STEM events via state and national social media.
Leadership Skills Helpful to the Position
A good candidate will be skilled in planning and goal setting, program planning and development, communications, team building, coalition building, public speaking, thinking outside the box, and consensus building. Candidates should also have a passion for STEM education and equity for women and girls.
Time Commitment
Approximate time required for this position will differ with each state. Attendance at state conventions and the AAUW National Convention is encouraged.
The local affiliate finance officer (applies to branches, chapters, etc.) oversees the fiscal operations of the affiliate.
Overall Responsibilities
- Open and maintain bank accounts for checking and/or savings and establish authorized check signers for your local affiliate. Each affiliate must use its own IRS-assigned Tax Identification Number (TIN) on all bank accounts.
- Work with your membership volunteer to secure membership renewals, and process dues and fees, and file the necessary forms with your state (if applicable) and the AAUW national office.
- Work with your board to evaluate the financial health and stability of your finances, develop a budget that supports the programs and activities of your group, and support a financial review process.
- Prepare monthly financial statements and include analysis of actual performance against budget.
- Be aware of relevant federal and state charitable tax issues and legal liabilities.
- Process and submit AAUW and AAUW Action Fund in compliance with proper financial accounting procedures, IRS regulations, and AAUW procedures.
- File IRS Form 990-N (gross receipts $50,000 or less), 990-EZ (gross receipts under $200,000) or 990 based on gross annual receipts and total asset thresholds.
- Protect the assets of the group by securing adequate insurance coverage and implementing internal accounting controls and procedures.
- Communicate with AAUW’s finance department about listing your affiliate in the AAUW Group Exemption Letter.
- Retain in good order all financial statements, IRS forms and correspondence, sales and use tax certificates, tax determination letters, paid checks, deposits, contracts, and other financial supporting documents consistent with best practices and state laws.
- Adhere to all local, state, and federal charitable tax laws and generally accepted accounting principles and practices.
Responsibilities to Your State (applies to AAUW branches)
- Submit copies of all dues, fees and contributions reports to your state finance officer in accordance with established policies, procedures and time lines.
Responsibilities to AAUW National Office
- Work with other officers in your group to ensure that all dues, fees, and contribution reports are submitted and filed with the national office according to established procedures and time lines.
- Review all dues, fees, contributions and membership reports sent to the national office and alert staff of any discrepancies with your records.
- Ensure that all federal and state authorities and the AAUW national office have the correct contact information for your affiliate.
- Reply promptly to requests for 990-N information.
Time Commitment
In addition to the above responsibilities, the finance officer may serve on the local affiliate board of directors and other committees as assigned.
Ways to Give to AAUW

Please direct membership inquiries to connect@aauw.org.