
National Election
AAUW members play an important role in shaping the future for women and girls by choosing the organization’s leaders and policy priorities. This spring AAUW members will be asked to vote on amendments to the Public Policy Priorities and bylaws, in addition to electing members to the national Board of Directors.

AAUW Webinars
AAUW is committed to staying connected during these difficult times, so we’re providing regular webinar content for our communities. National staff and outside experts bring you engaging programming on the issues most important to you. Check out recordings from past webinars and look out for news of upcoming online events!

Celebrating 140 Years of AAUW
Over the past 140 years, AAUW has evolved to become the leading voice in advancing gender equity in education and workplaces everywhere. Through research, education and advocacy, we’re committed to ensuring that everyone gets the same opportunity to learn, earn and lead. Our programs aim at moving women forward—and we fight for policies that support our goals.

Five-Star National Recognition Program
The Five-Star Recognition Program acknowledges the work of AAUW states, branches and other affiliates to advance gender equity in their communities. Earn stars — and perks! — for supporting AAUW’s mission in each of five vital areas: advancement, communications, programs, public policy and research, and governance and sustainability.

Advocacy Toolkit
Throughout our 135-year history AAUW has always stood for solutions that work for all women and families — and we do not intend to stop now. AAUW’s advocacy has made women’s voices heard from the White House to Congress to the statehouse, and your voice is needed now more than ever! That’s why AAUW has compiled a set of resources to guide you in advocating for women and girls through a variety of tactics and actions.

AAUW & COVID-19: Standing Strong through Crisis
During this challenging time, AAUW stands together as a caring and connected community. For nearly 140 years, we have been there for one another and fought for the economic security of American women and families. AAUW will work tirelessly to address the persistent and underlying inequities that are crucial for a full recovery. Together, we can ensure a better, more economically secure world for women.

Art Contest
Did you know that women comprise only 30% of the artists represented by commercial galleries, and that women working in art professions are paid almost $20,000 less per year than men? This is what motivates AAUW to host an annual member art contest. It gives our own wonderful artists the attention they deserve, while raising funds to fight for other women.
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