Leader Resources & Tools

Membership Matters

Read the latest issue of Membership Matters, AAUW’s essential newsletter for member leaders. Stay informed with advocacy updates, leadership tools, and key resources to support your branch.

Community Hub: Tools & Resources

We’ve upgraded our systems! Everything you used to do through the Member Services Database (MSD) – including managing your membership and member leader tasks — can now be done by simply logging into your new AAUW account.

College/University Member Toolkit

AAUW is pleased to share this toolkit designed to assist Branches with recruitment, renewal and engagement of current and prospective College/University Members. In addition to FAQs for members we have included a CU Membership Flyer, instructions on how to join and sign up student members, as well as flyers to encourage students, staff and faculty on campus to access Salary Negotiation and Financial Literacy training now available to all CU Members.

AAUW 5-Star Recognition Program circle icon

State & Branch Tools

AAUW proudly supports branches across the U.S., including Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Open Membership Toolkit

Members will vote on important proposed changes to AAUW’s bylaws to open membership for all.

Illustration of rainbow colored lightbulb made out of abstract people.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit

AAUW seeks to promote inclusion and awareness for all members to create an equitable, sustainable, and inclusive membership reflective of today’s world.

Side by side photo comparison of AAUW members at protest march in Washington, D.C. in the 1970s and a present-day photo of AAUW members at the 2017 Women's March on Washington.

Advocacy Toolkit

AAUW’s advocacy has made women’s voices heard from the White House to Congress to the statehouse, and your voice is needed now more than ever.

Scales of Justice

Bylaws Toolkit

The AAUW Bylaws contain the rules and regulations enacted by AAUW to provide a framework for its operation and management.

hand putting paper ballot in box (photo by Element 5 Digital for Unsplash)

AAUW National Election

Members of AAUW play a key role in shaping the organization’s leaders and priorities through the AAUW National Election — which by extension helps build a better world for women and girls.

Close-up of a gavel (Photo by Bill Oxford for Unsplash)

Board and Committees

The dedication and commitment of AAUW’s member leaders ensures the vitality of the organization and advances our mission towards gender equity.

Three young women at the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders

Students and Campus Professionals

Faculty members, college administrators and students can access resources that will enhance their campuses and empower the next generation of women.

Ten people's arms coming together

AAUW’s Diversity Statement

Read our board-approved language about our diversity and inclusion efforts.

Faces of AAUW

Meet a Member

The value of AAUW to my life and career cannot be understated, from the skills I learned regarding salary negotiation — which helped me increase my salary significantly in a former job — to keeping on top of cutting-edge public policy issues that enhanced my work as a government relations professional. … Being involved with AAUW has been incredibly enriching.

Photo of AAUW board member Edwina Martin

Please direct membership inquiries to connect@aauw.org.