AAUW : Empowering Women Since 1881

Equity Now

Together, we can achieve a vision of equity for women and girls.

AAUW Denounces District Court’s Decision to Vacate Title IX Rules

The decision by the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Kentucky to vacate the updated Title IX rules makes it easier for schools to dismiss cases, harder to hold perpetrators of sexual harassment and assault accountable, and more difficult for survivors to get the protections they need.

Students deserve better, and AAUW is prepared to fight on their behalf.

Securing the Future: A Post-Election Conversation on Women's Economic Security

Join us for an important webinar exploring the path forward for women’s economic security under the next U.S. President and the 119th Congress. Expert panelists include: Heather M. Boushey, Ph.D., 1997–98 AAUW American Fellow, economist and co-founder of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth Jamila K Taylor, Ph.D., President & CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research Gloria L. Blackwell, CEO of American Association of University Women

Take Action on the ERA

The National Archivist released a statement saying she refuses to publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

But the ERA has met all constitutional requirements to become an amendment. And women and girls are tired of waiting for constitutionally guaranteed equality.

Here’s what you can do: Send a letter to the White House urging President Biden to do everything he can to publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the Constitution.

Webinar Spotlight

Dive into our past recordings and keep an eye out for future events that celebrate, educate on, and inspire progress in gender equity.

Crack the Code: 5 Must-Ask Questions About Your University’s Pay System

Join us for this eye-opening 60-minute webinar where we’ll dive into the pay-system rationale so you can ask questions about your institutional compensation system and, possibly, motivate system improvements and enhance future economic security.

AAUW Featured Alumna

Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of AAUW alumnae who exemplify dedication, innovation, and leadership in their fields. Angela Isabor, a 2020-21 International Fellow in chemical engineering and application manager for a production company that creates filtering systems, is a passionate advocate for leadership and mentoring women in STEM, emphasizing the importance of showcasing hands-on engineers in the field and supporting teenage girls through her organization, Charlotte and Teens.

Angela Isabor - 2020-21 International Fellow
Angela Isabor - 2020-21 International Fellow

Our Priority Issues

Take Action

Members of AAUW’s Action Network receive urgent email notices and text messages when their advocacy is needed most. With our online Two-Minute Activist tool, it takes just minutes and an internet connection to make your voice heard on issues impacting women and girls!