Workplace & Economic Equity
When women get equal pay — and equal opportunity — they, their families and all of society will thrive. To get there, we need to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.
Economic security for women is non-negotiable.
Money is power, and women will never be equal to men until they achieve full parity in earnings and wealth. In recent decades, American women have made significant strides toward economic equality: They make up nearly half the U.S. workforce, and two-thirds of women are their family’s primary or co-breadwinner. Yet men continue to earn more money—and accumulate more wealth—than women do.
The median salary for women is just 84% of the median salary for men—a figure that has barely budged over the past generation. In 2022, median earnings for American women working full time are $52,360, while men are paid $62,350. Yet women make up close to 47% of the workforce, and as many as two-thirds are primary or co-breadwinners of their families.
This needs to change. And it’s not just women who will benefit: When women win, their families, communities and workplaces win. What’s more, breaking down barriers for women will open new opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender.
The Fight for Fair Pay
The gender pay gap is a multi-faceted problem with no easy solution. Learn what’s behind the gap and how we can win the fight for equal pay.
Learn MoreThe Simple Truth About the Gender Pay Gap

Where We Stand: Economic Security
AAUW advocates for all women to achieve economic self-sufficiency. See which specific policy measures we support to achieve that goal and how you can get involved.
Take Action
There are lots of ways to get involved with AAUW’s work to advance gender equity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls.